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Clusters 1 7 2

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General information about nm-clusters

  1. Clusters 1 7 2 Iso
  2. Clusters 1 7 2 Mods
  3. Clusters 1 7 20
  4. Clusters 1 7 2 0

Figure 7-1 shows a histogram for the distribution of occupations in a cluster of customer data. In this cluster, about 13% of the customers are craftsmen; about 13% are executives, 2% are farmers, and so on. 2 Site 3 and Cluster 1-2 9.3 1 Cluster 1-2 and Cluster 4-5 10.0 29 Combine site 6 and cluster 4-5 Combine site 4 and cluster 1-2 Combine cluster 1-2-3 and cluster 4-5-6.

An n2-cluster is n > 1 lattice points in R2such that no 3 are co-linear and no 4 are co-circular and all mutual distancesbetween points are integers > 0.

In other words, a 2-dimension n2-cluster is a collection ofn lattice (grid points with integer (x,y) coordinates) on a flat planesuch that no 3 lie on a straight line and no 4 lie on a circle andall of the distances between each pair of points are whole numbers > 0.

2 nodes, which will be used to create the cluster. In this example, the nodes used are and Network switches for the private network, required for communication among the cluster nodes and other cluster hardware such as network power switches and Fibre Channel switches. A computer cluster is a set of loosely or tightly connected computers that work together so that, in many respects, they can be viewed as a single system. Unlike grid computers, computer clusters have each node set to perform the same task, controlled and scheduled by software.

One need not be restricted to the R2.We define nm-clusters inRm as follows:

  • m and n are integers > 1
  • n lattice points in Rm
  • for all integer 0 < k < m, no k+2 points lie in k-dimensional plane (a k-dimensional affine subspace of Rm)
  • for all integer 0 < l < m, no l+3 points lie on the surface of an l-dimensional sphere
  • all mutual distances between the n lattice points are non-zero integers

nm-cluster related terminology:

  • prime nm-cluster: annm-cluster where thegreatest common divisor (gcd) of the mutual distances = 1
  • primitive nm-cluster: Aprime nm-cluster that has been rotated, reflected andtranslated into canonical form
    (Note to web page editor: define the canonicalform here)
  • equivalent nm-cluster: twonm-clusters are equivalent if and only if they can bemade identical under the combined operations of rotation, reflectionand translation
  • nonequivalent nm-cluster: twonm-clusters that are not equivalent
    (all primitive nm-clustersare both prime and nonequivalent)
  • n-cluster: shorthand for n2-cluster
  • n(m)-cluster: alternate notation fornm-cluster used in places wheresub-scripting is not available or desirable


An n2-cluster
Clusters 1 7 2
  • n > 1 lattice points (points with integer (x,y) coordinates) in R2
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0

Clusters 1 7 2 Iso

Here is an example of a 62-cluster:

The following are the smallest n2-clusters:

A pictureof thesmallest 62-cluster isavailable.

UPDATE:72-clustersDO exist!

Chuck Simmons and Landon Curt Noll discovered a number of72-clusters on 2006-May-18 15:26:55 PDT:

NOTE: This 72-cluster is not be the smallest.The above mentioned 72-clusters simply prove thatthese strutures exist.Thesmallest72-cluster is:

As recent as 2010-August-26, using an improvedsearch algorithm, 25 nonequivalent (new) 72-clusterswere discovered:

Chuck Simmons made images of the 25 72-clusters found on2010-August-26 in a blog posting:
Pictures and coordinates of twenty-five recently found 7-clusters
For more information see:
N-Cluster Search: Progress Update (as of 2010-Oct)

It should be noted that Tobias Kreisel and Sascha Kurz reportedthe discovery of two 7-element integral heptagons.While these 7-element integral heptagons are 7 points in R2,no 3 co-linear and no 4 are co-circular and all mutual distancesbetween points are integers > 0, their coordinatesare not lattice points in R2.Because some of their points are not lattice points in R2(i.e., some points do not have integer (x,y) coordinates) they arenot 72-clusters:

There are Integral Heptagons, No Three Points on a Line, No Four on a Circle

Even so, this above work and results of Kruz and Kreisel is impressiveand is worth reading.


An n3-cluster is:

Clusters 1 7 2 Mods

  • n lattice points (points with integer (x,y,z) coordinates) in R3
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a flat plane
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
    NOTE: If no 4 points lie on a flat plane,then no 4 points can lie on a circleand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphere
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0.

Clusters 1 7 20

Here are some 73-clustersrecently discovered by Randall Rathbun:

The following are the smallest n3-clusters:


A n4-cluster is:

  • n lattice points (points with integer (x,y,z,w) coordinates) in R4
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a plane
  • no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane)
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
    NOTE: If no 4 points lie on a flat plane,then no 4 points can lie on a circleand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphere
    NOTE: If no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane),then no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphereand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 6 points lie on the surface of a hyper-sphere (an R4 sphere)
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0.

Randall and I (well Randall did all of the coding and I kibitzed andtheorized on the side :-)) found these 74-clusterson 8 June 2001:

and this 84-clusters on 10 June 2001:

The following are the smallest n4-clusters:


A n5-cluster is:

Clusters 1 7 2 0

  • n lattice points (points with integer (x,y,z,w,v) coordinates) in R5
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a plane
  • no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane)
  • no 6 points lie on a 5-flat (an R5 plane)
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
    NOTE: If no 4 points lie on a flat plane,then no 4 points can lie on a circleand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphere
    NOTE: If no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane),then no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphereand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 6 points lie on the surface of a hyper-sphere (an R4 sphere)
    NOTE: If no 6 points lie on a 5-flat (an R5 plane),then no 6 points lie on the surface of a hyper-sphereand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 7 points lie on the surface of a 5-sphere(an R5 sphere)
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0.

Randall and I (as before) co-discoveredthese 85-clusters:

as well as these 95-clusters on 26 July 2001:

The following are the smallest n5-clusters:

open nm-cluster questions, conjectures & observations

nm-cluster conjectures:

  • Erdös/Noll infinite-or-bust nm-clusterconjecture:
    For any m > 1, n > 2, there exists either 0 or an infinite number of primitive nm-clusters.
  • Noll infinite nm-cluster conjecture:
    For any m > 1, n > 2, there exists an infinite number of primitive nm-clusters.
  • Noll/Rathbun computation observation:
    For any m > 1:
    • One will be able to find many(m+3)m-clusters;
    • With bit more effort, one will also find some:(m+4)m-clusters;
    • However, finding an(m+5)m-clusterwill be a significant computational challenge.

Open questions about nm-clusters:

Clusters 1 7 2 0
  • n > 1 lattice points (points with integer (x,y) coordinates) in R2
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0

Clusters 1 7 2 Iso

Here is an example of a 62-cluster:

The following are the smallest n2-clusters:

A pictureof thesmallest 62-cluster isavailable.

UPDATE:72-clustersDO exist!

Chuck Simmons and Landon Curt Noll discovered a number of72-clusters on 2006-May-18 15:26:55 PDT:

NOTE: This 72-cluster is not be the smallest.The above mentioned 72-clusters simply prove thatthese strutures exist.Thesmallest72-cluster is:

As recent as 2010-August-26, using an improvedsearch algorithm, 25 nonequivalent (new) 72-clusterswere discovered:

Chuck Simmons made images of the 25 72-clusters found on2010-August-26 in a blog posting:
Pictures and coordinates of twenty-five recently found 7-clusters
For more information see:
N-Cluster Search: Progress Update (as of 2010-Oct)

It should be noted that Tobias Kreisel and Sascha Kurz reportedthe discovery of two 7-element integral heptagons.While these 7-element integral heptagons are 7 points in R2,no 3 co-linear and no 4 are co-circular and all mutual distancesbetween points are integers > 0, their coordinatesare not lattice points in R2.Because some of their points are not lattice points in R2(i.e., some points do not have integer (x,y) coordinates) they arenot 72-clusters:

There are Integral Heptagons, No Three Points on a Line, No Four on a Circle

Even so, this above work and results of Kruz and Kreisel is impressiveand is worth reading.


An n3-cluster is:

Clusters 1 7 2 Mods

  • n lattice points (points with integer (x,y,z) coordinates) in R3
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a flat plane
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
    NOTE: If no 4 points lie on a flat plane,then no 4 points can lie on a circleand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphere
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0.

Clusters 1 7 20

Here are some 73-clustersrecently discovered by Randall Rathbun:

The following are the smallest n3-clusters:


A n4-cluster is:

  • n lattice points (points with integer (x,y,z,w) coordinates) in R4
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a plane
  • no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane)
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
    NOTE: If no 4 points lie on a flat plane,then no 4 points can lie on a circleand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphere
    NOTE: If no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane),then no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphereand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 6 points lie on the surface of a hyper-sphere (an R4 sphere)
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0.

Randall and I (well Randall did all of the coding and I kibitzed andtheorized on the side :-)) found these 74-clusterson 8 June 2001:

and this 84-clusters on 10 June 2001:

The following are the smallest n4-clusters:


A n5-cluster is:

Clusters 1 7 2 0

  • n lattice points (points with integer (x,y,z,w,v) coordinates) in R5
  • no 3 points lie on a straight line
  • no 4 points lie on a plane
  • no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane)
  • no 6 points lie on a 5-flat (an R5 plane)
  • no 4 points lie on a circle
    NOTE: If no 4 points lie on a flat plane,then no 4 points can lie on a circleand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphere
    NOTE: If no 5 points lie on a hyper-plane (an R4 plane),then no 5 points lie on the surface of a sphereand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 6 points lie on the surface of a hyper-sphere (an R4 sphere)
    NOTE: If no 6 points lie on a 5-flat (an R5 plane),then no 6 points lie on the surface of a hyper-sphereand therefore the above test may be skipped.
  • no 7 points lie on the surface of a 5-sphere(an R5 sphere)
  • all mutual distances between points are integers > 0.

Randall and I (as before) co-discoveredthese 85-clusters:

as well as these 95-clusters on 26 July 2001:

The following are the smallest n5-clusters:

open nm-cluster questions, conjectures & observations

nm-cluster conjectures:

  • Erdös/Noll infinite-or-bust nm-clusterconjecture:
    For any m > 1, n > 2, there exists either 0 or an infinite number of primitive nm-clusters.
  • Noll infinite nm-cluster conjecture:
    For any m > 1, n > 2, there exists an infinite number of primitive nm-clusters.
  • Noll/Rathbun computation observation:
    For any m > 1:
    • One will be able to find many(m+3)m-clusters;
    • With bit more effort, one will also find some:(m+4)m-clusters;
    • However, finding an(m+5)m-clusterwill be a significant computational challenge.

Open questions about nm-clusters:

  • No 82-cluster has ever been found.Do 82-clusters exist?
  • No 83-cluster has ever been found.Do 83-clusters exist?
  • No 94-cluster has ever been found.Do 94-clusters exist?
  • No 105-cluster has ever been found.Do 105-clusters exist?

For more information see:

  • UnsolvedProblems in Number Theory, problem D20.
  • 'n-clusters for 1 < n < 7,'Landon Curt Noll andDavid I Bell;Mathematics of Computation,Vol 53, Number 187,July 1989, Pages 439-444.

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